Hu Zhen was an important scholar of Yijing in the Yuan Dynasty, and he wrote Zhouyiyanyi. Zhouyiyanyi is the work of meaning creations style. In this book, it collected annotation, explained Yijing by himself, and carried forward the meaning of Yijing in humanistic pragmatism. Hu Zhen followed Cheng, and he quoted Cheng's studying extensively. Therefore, he didn't abolish Zhu Xi's statement that about Divination. He also adopted the Yijing studying by the scholar in the Song Dynasty, and explained the Yijing. He elucidated the meaning of the Guayaoci by historical event, and added remarks about specialized knowledge of Yijing. Hu Zhen showed the ambition that he wanted to inherit the Confucianism, and differentiated between orthodoxy and heresy. He elucidated to make practical use of truth of Confucianism by Yijing, and it was very especial on The Yijing study in the Yuan Dynasty. On the hermenutus and deriving, he was inherited but also developed. In the Yuan Dynasty, many people followed Zhu Xi's Yijing study. Hu Zhen was very especial that he followed Cheng Yi's Yijing study. We can find a new appearance by Hu Zhen's Yijing study, and find the scholar in the Yuan Dynasty how to elucidate Cheng and Zhu's meaning. It's Hu Zhen's contribution in the Yuan Dynasty.
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