


Wang Tingxiang's Theory of 'Human Nature' -Focus on the Theory of 'Human Nature is Good and Evil'




張莞苓(Chang, Wan-ling)


王廷相 ; 氣本論 ; 性有善惡論 ; 性三品論 ; 聖愚觀 ; Wang Tingxiang ; Qi-Based Philosophy ; the Theory of Human Nature is Good and Evil ; the Theory of the Three Qualities of Human Nature ; the View of Sage and Fool




64期(2018 / 12 / 01)


89 - 118






The Ming Dynasty's Confucian Scholar Wang Tingxiang's theory of "human nature" is special and different from many Confucianists after Song Dynasty. His theory of "human nature is good and evil" is of realistic meaning. On the one hand it is based on his "qi-based philosophy"; on the other hand it inherits previous theory of "the three qualities of human nature". The topic will be approached from three aspects: First, to confer Wang Tingxiang's theory of "qi", finding out the relation between "qi" and "human nature". Secondly, to discuss the connection between Wang Tingxiang's "human nature" with "good and evil" from analyzing Wang's attitude against the theory of "human Nature is Good", superior, inferior and medium human Nature, and a opinion about human Nature can be learned and cultivated. Thirdly, to differentiate two meanings about the gradations of "human nature": can do good or evil things naturally, and the natural mind of dao and the mind of man. Combining with the theory of "the three qualities of human nature", we can see the difference of "human nature" between superior, inferior and medium people: Wang Tingxiang's theory of "human nature" have no difference with Song Dynasty's Confucian Scholars on talking about saints and medium people. But Wang Tingxiang denies inferior people having good "human nature" or any ability of doing good things. At this point, it's quite apart from the theory of "human nature is good".

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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