


Consciousness? Appendage?-- Exploring Era Significance of "Canon on Politics and Culture.Literary Criticism"






典論.論文 ; 曹丕 ; 建安文學 ; 文學自覺 ; Canon on Politics and Culture.Literary Criticism ; Cao Pi ; Literary Works in Jian'an Period ; Literary Consciousness




66期(2019 / 12 / 01)


1 - 30






Cao Pi's "Canon on Politics and Culture.Literary Criticism" was once labeled "literary consciousness" in the development of Chinese literature. However, some scholars in the later studies believed that it was nothing more than an appendage to politics subject to the constraint of Confucianism. In the academic circles' two totally different appraisals, this paper attempts to explore the issue from the perspective of eras and believes that Cao Pi's motivation for writing this article aimed to solve the problem of the fact that scholars tended to scorn each other in Ye Xia, Henan Province, thereby establishing his own cultural reputation and consolidating his political status. Combining with the atmosphere of talents differentiation in the late Han Dynasty and the concept of "Qi" from the pre-Qin era, this article sorted out the cause of formation and content of endowment theory and coherence of writing referred to herein. In addition, this article discussed the general concept of the term "writing article" in the late Han Dynasty, grasping the significance of what Cao Pi indicated that articles were referring to the management of state affairs, hoping that through exploring the era significant, the hidden connotation of the "Canon on Politics and Culture.Literary Criticism" is able to be re-comprehended, and further given objective historical evaluation and status.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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