


The Origin and Innovation of Confucian Classics in Liu Shao's Ren Wu Zhi






劉卲 ; 《人物志》 ; 經學史 ; 人材品鑑 ; 儒家 ; Liu Shao ; Ren Wu Zhi ; History of development of Confucian classics ; Characterology ; Confucianism




66期(2019 / 12 / 01)


31 - 64






Liu Shao's Ren Wu Zhi has usually been considered a study of characterology, but so far the categorizations of this book are still hard to reach a convincing consensus. Even though Ren Wu Zhi interlaced few conceptions and statements from Logicians, Eclectics and Daoism, much more doctrines of Confucian classics and their commentaries were imitated, cited and carried through as a principle axis in this book, by reason of Liu Shao desired to shape his theory in Confucian framework and tradition. His ideas about politics, rites, saints, human aptitudes and characters were all patterned by and centered on Confucian way, which strongly echoed with his gentle personality and erudite cultivation of Confucian. His purpose of writing Ren Wu Zhi was to perfectly rule the country by means of "Li" which stands for series of Confucian rites and convictions. Lots of previous research rarely regarded Ren Wu Zhi as a both traditional and innovative link in the history of Confucian development, but this article intends standing on the angle of history of Confucian classics, so as to investigate Liu Shao's behaviors and scholarship, especially to uncover how he set up his deliberate theory of characterology and advanced his unique Confucian thoughts with the help of Confucian classics.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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