


An investigation into the developing relation between "Poems for Emperors" edited by Chu Linghu and poetry of the Mid-Tang Dynasty






唐詩 ; 令狐楚 ; 御覽詩 ; 中唐 ; Tang Poems ; Chu Linghu ; Poems for Emperors ; Mid-Tang Dynasty




66期(2019 / 12 / 01)


65 - 94






This project details the following study areas: "research background", "research methods", "expectations of the research results", and "academic publications of recent years". This project plans to make a deep survey into Chu Linghu's literary activities to illustrate how these activities showed the development of poetry during the Mid-Tang Dynasty. Although, in the history of literature, Chu Linghu's poetry is not well-known, he compiled a series entitled "Poems for Emperors", which even now stands as the most complete anthology of "Tang Dynasty poems selected by Tang people". The book places importance on the works of Fang-Ping Liu, Ju-Yuan Yang, Yi-Lee and Lun Lu, while neglecting the more famous poets such as Ju-Yi Bai and Yu-Xi Liu, which illustrates political and aesthetic opinions of the time, which are worthy of a thorough investigation. Thus, this project will focus on "Chu Linghu's literary activities and their influence" and "selecting standards and opinions of 'Poems for Emperors'", in order to make an analysis of how the two affected each other.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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