


Rendering an in-depth Interpretation of in Shishou Xinyu: Examples from "Haidai qingshi" and "Jian ci zhanghuan"






世說新語 ; 詮釋學 ; 清玄 ; 張緩 ; 玄解 ; Shishuo Xinyu ; hermeneutics ; qingxuan ; Zhang Huan ; in-depth understanding




70期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 32






This article starts with the 65^(th) story in the chapter of "Compliments" in Shishou and the 78th story in the chapter of "Literature" in it and addresses the two key questions: how to "Haidai qingshi" and how to read "Jian ci zhanghuan". Based on diverse interpretations of the two stories, this paper identifies three stages of understanding and three ways of interpretation. Regarding the three stages, the first one is to delve into the literature through the method of mutual observation, and to position qingshi with the traditional qingliu; the second is a distinction made between personality and morality in order to distinguish the righteous person from the unruly person safeguarding moral; and the third is Xu Ning, who does not stick to having or not having and is a qingshi. Concerning the three ways of interpretation, the first is through a historical review as regards Sun Chuo's character evaluation; the second is based on textual appreciation, which deals with textual composition; and the third one is by an in-depth reading, which examines the embodiment of an ideal personhood. Through the layers of meaning investigations, this study aims to chart a fresh perspective from which to understand Shishuo. Based on the in-depth microcosmic study of these two examples, the author also attempts to initiate more studies that seek to discover an interpretation cycle between Shishuo and the commentaries on Shishuo, laying bare the profoundness of xuan taste and xuan meaning. Only when we seriously live in the present can we inquire into the tradition, can we discover new metaphysical vocabulary from it, inspire the creative blending of old and new, and open up new possibilities that help us advance with time. I particularly hope that this work can pave the way for a deeper understanding of Shishuo hermeneutics and for an extension of understanding Chinese classical literature hermeneutics.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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