


An Analysis of the Integration of Yi-Diagrams and Hongfan in the Song Dynasty






洪範 ; 河圖 ; 洛書 ; 陳摶 ; 洪範政鑒 ; 範數 ; Hongfan ; Hetu ; Luoshu ; Chen Tuan ; Hongfan Zhengjian ; Fanshu




71期(2022 / 06 / 01)


35 - 67






The essence of Yi and Hongfan is highly similar and related. Both discuss the formation of the cosmos, and illustrate how rulers and subjects should behave by drawing on natural phenomena-how the universe works. Researchers studying the two schools of thought usually concentrate on the origin of Bagua (the eight trigrams), the concepts of yin and yang and the five elements to formulate their theories and scheme Yi-diagrams. This way of presenting Yi through diagrams, and the integration of Yi and Honghfan has become a new characteristic and later a trademark in Song Dynasty. With the focus on the integration of Yi-diagrams and Hongfan, the present study aims to explore the following aspects: similar views on yin-yang and the five elements shared by Yi and Hongfan, the inevitable integration of Yi and Hongfan caused by the thriving development of the latter, the discussion of natural calamities presented by the five elements and He-Lou diagrams, the new interpretation of Yi and Hongfan proposed by Chen Tuan and his followers, and the new interpretation of Yi and Hongfan made with Fanshu through the combination of numbers and philosophical ideas. Adopting a macro perspective, the study will also discuss the academic contexts from which the trend of integration of Yi and Hongfan arises, investigate the concrete contents of the phenomenon of integration, establish potential relationships and give an indication of their significance in the history of Yixue.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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