The meaning of "Gui zhen" in "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" was usually understood as the moral admonishment. But this viewpoint cannot cover the entire content of "Gui zhen". In this research, all chapters in "Gui zhen" are examined for their interrelation and deep meaning for the definition of "Gui zhen" in "Shi Shuo Xin Yu". It is pointed out that the meaning of "Gui zhen" is expressing different ideas or ways by words or behavior. Moreover, "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" may not be written from a moral point of view. It may aim to highlight the various aspects of the individual's words and behavior. Through the description of the details of the words and behavior, "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" conveys the deep meaning of its context, and forms a series of classifications to become a comprehensive observation system for the character evaluation. Furthermore, this research also explores the methods used by the protagonists of " Gui zhen " and its influence on the others. The conclusion is helpful to interpret "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" from a more appropriate angle, and can be used as a reference for the research of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" and Wei-Jin culture.
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