


Student's Intention on the Use of E-Learning Platform: Form the Standpoint of the Individuals' Differences and Social Influence


曾瑞譙(Jui-Chiao Tseng)


相容性 ; 學習能力 ; 社會壓力 ; 科技接受模型 ; 媒體豐富性 ; Compatibility ; Learning capability ; Social pressure ; Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) ; Vividness




97期(2011 / 09 / 15)


22 - 44






Web-based applications and services as other product had been accepted in last decade. The success of Web-based learning depends largely on learners' attitude, satisfaction and other factors that will eventually increase learners' actual usage in IT as any other product. This paper integrates the concepts of social pressure, individual perception and cognition to construct a model for investigating the motivations behind learners' actual usage of an e-learning platform. The model theorizes two components of social pressure (i.e., peer pressure and teacher pressure) and three dimensions of perception and cognition (i.e., learning capability, compatibility, vividness) that affect learners' perceived beliefs. We also argue that perceived beliefs could influence learners' attitude and satisfaction thereby affecting their actual usage of an e-learning platform. The hypothesized model was empirically validated using data collected from 374 learners who used a Web-based learning program designed for reviewing after curriculum. The results showed that teacher pressure, learning capability, compatibility and vividness exhibited significant positive effects on perceived belief except for peer pressure. These relationships among perceived belief, attitude, satisfaction and actual usage have a significant influence to each other. Attitude and satisfaction play important mediators between perceived beliefs and actual usage of an e-learning platform.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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