


Integrating "Experiential Learning Strategy" and Multimedia Materials into Elementary Environmental Education "Land Subsidence" Unit: Learning Effects and Reflection on the Factors of Successful Multimedia Instruction


李鴻亮(Hung-Liang Lee)


體驗策略 ; 環境教育 ; 地層下陷 ; 多媒體教材 ; 可攜式伺服器 ; Experiential learning strategy ; Environmental education ; Land subsidence ; Multimedia materials ; Portable server




97期(2011 / 09 / 15)


64 - 82






The purpose of this research is to develop an ”Experiential Learning Strategy” for the unit ”Land Subsidence” in elementary environmental education. There are two stages in the study: (1) developing ”Land Subsidence” digital contents and then loading in the portable server; (2) implementing situated experiential instruction with multimedia and on-line exercise. Learning activities include experiencing land sinking and operating multimedia materials. Using quasi-experimental design, the study included 3 classes of 6 graders (30 students in each class, 90 students in total). The first class received regular instruction (control group); the second class received situated experiential instruction and multimedia materials (strategy group); and the third class received multimedia materials (media group). The researcher also used a questionnaire and interviews to investigate qualitative insights of learning. Interpreting the data with triangulation approach, the study found that: (1) the performance of strategy group was significantly better than that of control group; (2) the performance of strategy group was also significantly better than that of media group; (3) learners gave positive feedback toward the activities which integrated multimedia into experiential education; (4) the factors that made learning effective include: activities, multimedia and learners' self-reflection on the instruction. The findings showed that experiencing strategy helped learners make clear scientific concepts. They imply that the activity which provides opportunities of reciprocal references can facilitate learning. This study also makes suggestions on educational practice and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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