The purposes of the study were to investigate the current status of ”elementary teachers' perception of principals' technology leadership” and ”elementary principals' technology leadership,” as well as the relationship between the two. A survey method was employed by using the instrument, ”questionnaire of principals' technology leadership.” A total of 9 principals and 179 teachers were selected purposefully (with the consideration of school size) in 9 elementary schools in one area of the southern part of Taiwan. Corresponding statistics were applied to analyze the data, i.e., descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA with the Scheffé Method, and simple regression analysis. The findings of the study were reported as follows: The status of both targeted elementary teachers' perception of principals' technology leadership and their principals' technology leadership was above the average level. There were statistically significant differences in targeted elementary teachers' perception of principal's technology leadership among the factors of school size, while no significant difference was found among the factors of gender, working years, education background, and expertise (technology-related no not). Besides, there were some differences between the average scores of targeted elementary teachers' perception of principal's technology leadership and their principals' technology leadership. It was also found that there was an obvious gap between teachers' perceptions and the principal's perception on technology leadership within those ”large and middle size” schools, which needs to be noticed and carefully studied in the future.
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