


Some of Thoughts on the Utilization of Instructional Technology and Media


單文經(Wen-Jing Shan)


教學科技與媒體的運用 ; Rugg ; Bruner ; 實用的教學方式 ; Utilization of instructional technology and media ; Rugg ; Bruner ; Practical pedagogy




100期(2012 / 06 / 01)


4 - 14






This paper delineates some of my thoughts on the utilization of instructional technology and media. In addition to the first and last sections for introduction and concluding remarks, the other five sections point out that the practical pedagogy most teachers develop is one of the most important factors for the successful utilization of instructional technology and media. Harold Rugg's development of a set of problem-based textbooks for junior high social studies was used as a successful example, while Bruner's Man: A course of study (MACOS) unsuccessful. As Bruner's MACOS, which including one hundred forty some pieces of various teaching aids, fail to be compatible with teachers' competence and classroom environment, Rugg's textbooks fit well to the teaching situations. The paper suggests that instructional technology and media specialists should keep this factor in mind when they design and produce any innovations for the purpose of instructional improvement.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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