
影像處理混成教學課程應用Web 2.0之行動研究


Action Research: The Design and Evaluation of Blended Learning on an Image Processing Course Using Web 2.0 Technologies


方之光(Jy-Kuang Fang);黃碧雲(Bi-Yun Huang)


Google文件 ; Web 2.0 ; 共創共享 ; 建構式教學 ; 混成教學 ; Google documents ; Web 2.0 ; Participatory creation and sharing ; Constructivist teaching ; Blended learning




102期(2012 / 12 / 15)


41 - 60




本文介紹一個「應用Web 2.0於影像處理混成教學」的課程行動研究。此課程結合傳統教學與建構式教學,並藉助Google文件、Camtasia Studio教學錄製軟體以及Linux系統,來落實Web 2.0共創共享活動。透過WordPress部落格,以及結合「Google文件與圖像式抽取技術」的新途徑蒐集回饋意見後,發現課程對學生產生了:(1)影像處理知識與技能;(2)課程學習體驗;(3)學習態度與學習動機;(4)個人學習心理狀態等四個層面的效益。最後,本研究亦探討未來改善之道與後續研究方向。


In the wake of Web 2.0 educational researcher has casted the Internet in a new light through the emergence of Web 2.0 technologies, which have made the Internet more creative, participative and socializing to empower students in their educational activities. The research aims to adopt blended learning approach and apply constructivist theory in the image processing course to facilitate student learning and employ action research to systematically explore students’ perceptions of learning practices. This paper reports on an investigation into the design, development, implementation and evaluation of a Web 2.0-based learning environment to explore the effectiveness of the Web 2.0 technologies. The collaborative learning with Web 2.0 technologies evidenced by the study suggests that benefits can be categorized into four main aspects: (1) knowledge and skills in image processing: mainly in terms of learning and improving technical ability; (2) experience: mainly with respect to the innovative and participative learning environment; (3) attitude and motivation: mainly in relation to an inclination of using the system; and (4) psychological perception: mainly with respect to self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment. Finally, study implications for practice and education, suggestions for the improvement of teaching and pedagogy and directions for future research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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