As the fast development of Internet television as well as digital television, how to target the flow of television audiences and adjust programming becomes more and more important. Due to the deregulation of broadcast frequency, the competition of electronic media advertising market, the changing of television viewing behavior, and the lack of research on viewing choice process, this research paper would discuss the following questions:1. What is the viewing choice process of broadcast networks viewers in Taiwan?2. Is there any difference between viewing choice processes of audiences from diversified locations?3. Does any demographic variable affect listeners’ listening choice process?Based on computer-assisted telephone interviewing 2080 respondents as well as focus group interviews with 8 groups along Taiwan Island, the results are listed as the following:1. The viewing choice process of television audiences in Taiwan is composed of three approaches: planned listening, orient search, and reevaluation.2. There is significant difference on audiences’ planned listening choice process between audiences from diversified locations.3. The lack of qualities and credibility for television programs would cause audiences’ reevaluation choice.4. In addition to some socio demographic factors would affect audiences’ choice process, the repetition (certainty) and homogeneities (simplification) of television programs would not attract audiences’ viewing continually.
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