


An Empirical Study about the Acceptance of the Multimedia on Demand System




張裕幸(Yuh-Shihng Chang);謝宗帆(Tsung-Fan Hsieh)


多媒體隨選系統 ; 科技接受模型 ; 認知顧客滿意 ; 心流經驗 ; Multimedia on Demand system MoD ; TAM ; Flow Experience ; Customer Satisfactions




23期(2004 / 07 / 01)


43 - 74




資訊與傳播科技的發展改變了人類傳播方式,隨著寬頻網路的普及化,使用者對於網路的應用不再只是侷限於網路瀏覽。傳統廣播或娛樂產業受到隨選視訊的概念的衝擊與挑戰。過去視訊互動服務由於重視技術導向忽略了市場與消費者議題,以致國外有些失敗案例出現。相對地,國內將於2008年邁入數位電視全面化階段。因此,本研究以寬頻內容產業中第一波衝擊至消費者客廳領域的多媒體隨選系統(MoD)作為探討的對象,希望以消費者立場為出發,看待這個先導型寬頻內容服務產業的使用者資訊需求為何?讓寬頻經營者瞭解問題仍需回歸消費者究竟要什麼面貌的多媒體隨選視訊內容服務,期能找到讓消費者更便利、更合適的商業營運模式。本研究採實證研究方式以科技接受模型為基礎輔以「認知顧客滿意」、「心流經驗」的理論進行架構修正。以網路使用者為受測對象,有效問卷回收樣本數為218份,經由統計結果發現: 1.本研究提出之延伸性TAM模型,在加入「認知顧客滿意」、「心流經驗」等構面之後,解釋能力較傳統TAM高。 2.「心流經驗」雖未直接影響使用意願,但其藉由影響「態度」間接影響了「使用意願」。 3.年齡的差異會導致顯著的「認知有用性」、「認知易用性」「心流經驗」、「認知顧客滿意」、「使用意願」等構面之認知程度差異。 根據上述研究結果可以得知心流經驗與顧客滿意的認知層面,係影響MoD使用者正向態度之關鍵因素。此外,對於MoD這類娛樂性資訊系統的接受度研究,內在動機的考量的確可以增加研究模式的解釋能力。據以提出學術與實務上之建議,不僅提供後續研究一個具體的方向,更提供業者推廣MoD時,制訂行銷策略之用。


The growing popularity of the internet has resulted in exciting opportunities for Media to reach out for audience with very little costs. Retaining audience at a Web-based corporate media is arguably one of the most important objectives for e-commerce practitioners today. Unfortunately, it is also a extremely difficult challenge. Few work of technology acceptance researches have been developed to understand why people return - or fail to return - to websites. In this study, we consider the online user of Multimedia on Demand (MoD) as both an audience and a computer user. This paper addresses the issue by developing a theoretical framework that models the factors influencing a user's acceptances toward using the MoD system. The framework is adapted from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), originally developed by Davis et al. (1986). A major revision involves the concept of Flow Experience and Perceived Customer Satisfaction. Furthermore, Customer Satisfactions and Flow experience of a MoD system are important factors in affecting the user's belief of such a Web site. Through our survey and analysis, we've proved Technology Acceptance Model again. And we found that our research model is more explicative than the original TAM. According to the result of our analysis, there is no sign could tell us that MoD users' Perceived Ease of Use will have positive effect on their attitude. In addition, Flow Experience could affect users' Behavioral Intention by changing their Attitude. It seems that usefulness of MoD Systems is the most important factor influencing customers' decisions toward using MoD. The implication of these findings for researchers and MoD operators has also been discussed in the end of the article.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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