


Exploring the Structural Model of Hakka Elements and TV Viewing Behaviors




彭文正(Dennis Weng-Jeng Peng)


客家元素 ; 客家意識 ; 客家語言文化 ; 客家電視 ; 使用與滿足 ; 收視行為 ; Kakka elements ; Hakka identity ; Hakka language and culture ; Hakka TV ; Uses and gratifications ; Viewing behaviors




24期(2005 / 01 / 01)


63 - 91






This study seeks to analyze the ethnic and cultural identity fostered in the role of the media, and furthermore, to discover the reasons as to why people tune in to Hakka TV out of more than 70 television channels. Specifically, the structural and causal relationships and various factors such as Hakka identity. Hakka language, cultural identification, and language absorption, and the influence they have on Hakka TV viewership. This study chose from a random sample of 616 Hakkas. and through path analysis. discovered that language fluency, identification of Hakka heritage, and cultural expectations have an important impact on the behavioral choices of viewership. Meanwhile, identification of Hakka heritage and culture influence viewing behavior via language absorption and cultural expectation. Finally, the positive correlation between age and Hakka element, serves as a reminder to the importance in keeping the Hakka culture and traditions alive and intact.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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