


The Development of Television Content Regulation in Taiwan




劉昌德(Chang-De Liu)


內容管制 ; 電視 ; 傳播權 ; Content regulation ; television ; communication rights




26期(2006 / 01 / 01)


77 - 116






This paper examines the development of television content regulation in Taiwan since 1993. During this period of time, Taiwanese government has (1) lifted the political control on television, (2) turned to strengthen the limits on indecent programs, and (3) failed to implement ”access rules.” While ”de-regulating” the television ownership, the government has ”re-regulated” the television contents. This trend meets the interests of media owners rather than of the public. In order to protect the communication rights of all citizens, this paper suggests the government to reinforce the access rules, create a ”civic deliberation mechanism” to regulate indecent programs, and establish appropriate correlations between ownership rules and content regulations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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