


TV Program Scheduling




楊長林(Chang-Lin Yang);黃榮華(Rong-Hwa Huang);梁曉芳(Xiao-Fang Liang)


節目排程 ; 電影台 ; 蟻群演算法 ; program scheduling ; movie channel ; ant colony optimization




29期(2008 / 12 / 01)


135 - 164




近年來隨著電視頻道的大量崛起,使得整體電視頻道生態產生明顯的變化,產生了許多以服務特殊偏好、網羅特定族群為主的「專門頻道」,「電影台」即是其中的一種。然而,對此專屬頻道節目之編排,電視台大多依據以往之歷史收視資料,鮮少對收視觀眾進行直接的收視意見調查,因而可能導致節目安排無法滿足觀眾的真正需求,使得收視率不如預期。對此問題,本研究建構依評估觀眾收視效用之電視節目排程模型,來衡量閱聽眾之收視效用並求解最適的節目排程。在排程模型求解部分,本研究透過問卷調查,了解現今閱聽眾對有線電視中電影頻道之影片類型以及收視時段之偏好,並應用蟻群最佳化演算法(ant colony optimization, ACO)以找出最適的節目安排,演算的結果並與電視台現有之節目表進行對照。根據模擬實驗結果發現,此節目排程模型可使閱聽眾之效用提升程度平均為7.5698%。


Since the television channel rises speedy in recent years. It changes the competitive environment of television station. A lot of special channels have been established in order to serve the customers of particular predilection. The movie channel is one of the representative channels. However, most TV stations arrange the programs according to the past historical rating materials. Therefore, the programs will be unable to meet audience's real demand and will let the audience rating descend. This study proposes a TV program scheduling model to evaluate and search the most suitable program arrangement. In order to search the solution of program scheduling, ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm has been used in this study. By comparing to the current program arrangement of TV station, the ACO can raise the utility of audience 7.5698% on average in the result of scheduling.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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