


Will the Deficiency of PTS's Finance Impact the Quality of Program Production?




曾國峰(Kuo-Feng Tseng)


公共性 ; 公共電視 ; 文化創意產業 ; 自籌款 ; 數位內容 ; publicity ; public television service ; culture industry ; funding ; digital content




29期(2008 / 12 / 01)


29 - 62




台灣公共電視經費,相較於其他國家其實是相當少的,解決這個困境較好的方式,應該是增加國家預算、或是對閱聽人收取執照費。不過若干立委認為公視只是服務少數菁英,不願增加超過目前九億新台幣的預算,而在選舉考量下,政治人物也不願提案修法,付費收看公視。因此,公共電視如果要增加預算,目前僅能提高自籌款的比例,希望透過銷售數位影視內容與創意行銷,能達到自給自足的目標;不過,同時也擔心強調商品行銷,是否會影響公視獨立、專業與公共參與的本質? 本研究以台灣公共電視為個案,希望透過深度訪談公視相關主管與員工,了解目前節目製作經費分配、市場行銷與數位化產製流程可能對「公共性」影響的程度。研究發現,由於公視內部有較嚴謹的製播公約,基本上不至於會發現過度商業化情形,但是在每日實際運作過程中,由於經費持續短缺,在行銷節目、增加收入的考量下,或多或少還是會對節目方向、品質有些影響,不過不同部門與階級對問題的嚴重性則有不同的看法。


Public television service (PTS) produces culture and diversified programs in Taiwan. However, without enough funding to support, PTS has the difficulties to make its goals. Currently, it is almost impossible to increase its annual funding from government or license fee. Therefore, PTS has to make more money by itself, such as the sales of programming, donations of citizens and enterprises and buildings renting. Recently, digital content and culture industry have become the mainstreams of new economy in the world. By adding creativity in producing and marketing cultural programs, it may make more profits to support the public television service in the future. This study analyzed the current financial reports and program strategies of the Public Television Service. It found that even under the constraint of the production budget, most of the programming and marketing strategies are still consistent with the goals of the Public Television Service. However, continuously without enough financial supports, more donations from government and business could have more influences on the quality of production in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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