


A Comparison of the Viewing Preferences and Motivations between Handheld and Vehicle Mobile Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial Users




胡婉玲(Anne Wan-Ling Hu);方之光(Zhi-Kuang Fang)


手持式數位電視 ; 行動數位電視 ; 車載式數位電視 ; 隱喻抽取技術 ; handheld DTV ; mobile digital TV ; vehicular DTV ; ZMET




31期(2009 / 12 / 01)


1 - 21






The digitalization of broadcasting is provoking dynamically continuous innovation of TV, which allows audiences to watch mobile digital TV (MDTV) on the move, in contrast to traditional fixed-location TV. This research used the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique, combined images and in-depth interviews to conduct qualitative research, in order to explore MDTV audiences' viewing preferences, consequences and values, including a comparison of the differences between handheld and vehicular MDTV equipment. The results of the study indicated that MDTV viewers highly evaluated the convenience of MDTV, preferred news, travel, sports and music programs, as opposed to traditional TV viewers' preferences for movies, dramas and light entertainment. The results also verified the existence of differences between handheld MDTV and vehicular MDTV viewers, e.g. vehicular MDTV viewers placing an additional emphasis on safety, often not using MDTV solely for themselves and also using the GPS function when not watching television programs. A majority of handheld MDTV viewers meanwhile used it individually and reported a greatly insufficient program choice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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