


A Study of the Content and Selling Strategies of TV Shopping Programs: A Comparison of Metro Cities in Taiwan and China




郭貞(Cheng Kuo);黃振家(Jenn-Jia Huang)


電視購物 ; 廣告訴求 ; 說服策略 ; 中央路徑說服 ; 週邊路徑說服 ; TV shopping ; advertising appeals ; central route and peripheral route persuasion




36期(2014 / 06 / 01)


1 - 36




電視購物在台灣自1992年以無限快買電視購物頻道開始運行,是屬於無店鋪銷售通路。東森得易購從1999年年底開台,2005年元旦富邦MOMO台開播,同年8月10日中信集團投資的ViVa TV購物頻道開台,2010年前東森集團總裁王令麟領導的U life重新加入後,台灣目前的電視頻道成為四強競爭態勢。台灣電視購物整體營收規模已經從起步時的1.2億新台幣躍升至2011年的約500億新台幣。隨著東森購物、森森購物以及富邦等不斷引入韓國、美國以及日本等的運營體系,目前全台灣的電視購物節目覆蓋人數超過總人口的一半以上,潛在營收規模達千億元新台幣左右。此四大電視購物集團都採取了全品類綜合發展的策略,以構建虛擬百貨公司的戰略目光瞄準所有類型的消費者,從而獲得更多消費者的支持以及良好的收益。這顯示二個現象:(一)台灣的電視購物已經有能力進軍海外;(二)電視購物內容製作的水準,已經達到國際化。在海峽彼岸的中國大陸電視購物的發展的十多年當中,也經過了和台灣相似的發展歷程:從發展、低潮至復蘇三個階段。從2003年開始,國外行業巨頭如美國、韓國、日本等國的電視購物公司巨頭紛紛攜鉅資來中國尋覓商機。中國電視購物頻道的發展受到來自國際的投資與經營團隊之影響甚鉅,2012年中國大陸電視購物市場規模已經到達人民幣578.3億元,未來大陸電視購物市場仍將繼續迅速成長,預估2020年規模可上看人民幣5000億元(鍾幸娟,2013年8月19日)。本研究結合質化的深度訪談、焦點團體討論,以及與量化內容分析法蒐集資料做分析比較。研究結果摘要如下:(1)電視購物即使在商店林立的都會區也有其利基點,因其提供在家購物的便利性。而且消費者因為能看到電視上詳盡的產品解說,又有鑑賞期與保證售後不滿意的退換機制,降低了購買認知風險,使得消費者敢於嘗試。(2)價格優惠和贈品常是吸引消費者的主要因素。主持人的專業與熱誠態度往往能發揮臨門一腳的功效。(3)電視購物與網路購物之結合是必然的趨勢,消費者經常從網路搜尋需要購買的品類,然後查詢電視購物節目的內容,做為商品資訊尋求的管道。(4)政府以及主管單位若能積極立法與執法,保護消費者的相關權益,將更有助於電視購物事業之發展。


Television shopping in Taiwan has gone through a downturn since its first launch in 1992. Starting 1999 the EHS (東森購物) group entered the TV shopping business with a new model in running the business, and it turns out to be a success, as indicated by its soaring annual revenues from 0.5 billion NT dollars in 2001 to 28 billion NT dollars in 2005. The annual revenue of TV shopping in Taiwan has grown to 50 billion NT dollars by the year of 2011. As a result, another three shopping channels, MOMO, ViVa and Ulife are attracted to enter this highly profitable market in 2010. The development of TV shopping business across the strait in mainland China has undergone a rather similar experience to that of Taiwan. The revival of TV shopping business in China began with a joint adventure between a Korean enterprise and the local Cantonese government in 2003. Followed by other enterprise groups from USA, Korea, Japan and Taiwan, each of them found a local partner and start to run their TV shopping channels in Jihlin, Beijing, Hunan, and Shanghai. The annual revenue of TV shopping in China has grown to 57.8 billion RMB by the year of 2012, and it is estimated to soar to 500 billion RMB by the year of 2020, since the market is still growing strongly. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were utilized in data collection so as to investigate and compare the various selling strategies used the TV shopping programs in four cities across the strait. Results from the analyses indicate that Taiwan's TV shopping programs were more developed than those of the mainland China, as a result, the selling strategies and persuasive skills presented in Taiwan's TV shopping programs were more versatile and multi-faceted.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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