


The Use of Mass Media and Acculturation among Chinese Mainland University Students in Hong Kong




程楊(Yang Cheng);郭佳(Jia Guo);高鹿洋子(Luyangzi Gao);薑瓊茜(Qiong-Xi Jiang);孟超(Chao Meng);王藝磬(Yi-Qin Wang)


大陸大學生 ; 文化適應 ; 香港文化 ; 媒體使用 ; Mainland students ; Acculturation ; Hong Kong ; Media use




36期(2014 / 06 / 01)


91 - 113




香港與大陸同宗同源,由於歷史原因卻存在較大文化差異,本文基於這個有趣的現像,探討不同地區間文化適應問題,並對媒體使用與文化適應的關係,新、舊媒體對文化適應不同影響加以探討。以大陸赴港大學生為例,我們採用多階段集群抽樣法(multi-stage cluster sampling),從隨機抽取的香港4間政府資助大學中成功回收476份問卷。通過對其中447份有效問卷的量化分析,本文探討了大陸學生對電視、報刊、互聯網三種不同的媒體使用程度與在港文化適應程度的相關性。研究發現,大陸赴港大學生使用媒體程度越高,在文化認知上,對香港生活習慣、社會制度瞭解程度就越高;同時在文化行為上,交友情況越活躍,參與文化娛樂活動越多。最後,相對報刊和互聯網等新興媒體,電視作為傳統媒體仍佔有重要作用,且與文化適應的四個面項(生活習慣瞭解程度、社會制度瞭解程度、交友情況和文化娛樂活動參與情況)均呈正面相關性。


Although Hong Kong and the Mainland belong to the China, Hong Kong combines the traditional and western culture and distinguishes itself from the Mainland. This study, based on this interesting phenomenon, discuss the acculturation problem between two regions within the same country, also the relationship between mass media use and acculturation, and a detailed comparison between the new and traditional media effects on the acculturation is explored. Through the analysis of 447 effective questionnaires from the Mainland students in HK universities, this study finds that those students who have higher degrees of media use correspondingly can better acculturate from the cognitive and behavioral aspects: actively understand local social system and living habits; become positive in participating social interactions and cultural activities. The results also show that, compared with the Internet, the television as one of traditional media still has strong influence on the acculturation of Mainland students in HK.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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