


An Anatomy of the EU Governance




黃偉峰(David W. F. Huang)


歐盟治理體系 ; 多層級網絡治理 ; 開放方法的協調機制 ; 組合主義 ; 政策社群 ; EU governance system ; multi-level network governance ; open methods of coordination ; corporatism ; policy community




33卷2期(2003 / 06 / 01)


291 - 344






European integration has not only shifted some of the member states' policy competence to the supranational level, but it has also challenged the existing governance system of each member state. Moreover, since the events of European integration are still unfolding, it is better to regard the European Union (EU) as a "evolving" governance system. During this on-going integration process, the EU governance system has often been characterized as "a governance without government," "a multi-level network governance," or "a new governance derived from open methods of coordination." Unfortunately, the above three characterizations fail to reveal the complex and dynamic features of the EU governance system as a whole. For this reason, this paper introduces a three-dimensional analytical space, that locates most of the important EU policies. We find that EU policies are not randomly distributed, but rather clustered either at the left-front corner or the right-rear corner. The left-front cluster, exemplified by tax policy and foreign policy, indicates that policy competence is dominated by member states competence with maximal flexibility of implementation and input from the policy community. The right-rear cluster, exemplified by environmental policy and regional policy, represents EU policy competence, minimal flexibility, and issue network. Finally, various theories are used to explain this cluster phenomenon in the EU governance system.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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