
低收入社會救助給付與設籍限制之違憲審查-Saenz v. Roe一案判決之分析


A Judicial Review of the Durational Residency Requirement for Low-Income Social Benefits-An Analysis of the U.S. Supreme Court's Saenz v. Roe


雷文玫(Wenmay Rei)


設籍限制 ; 遷徙自由 ; 社會救助 ; 聯邦主義 ; durational residency requirement ; right to travel ; low-income social benefit ; federalism




33卷3期(2003 / 09 / 01)


413 - 459




本文根據一九九九年聯邦最高法院對Saenz v. Roe一案之判決,檢視州政府限制新到居民受領低收入社會救助給付時,州民基於聯邦國民基本權所得主張之權利,以及聯邦最高法院介入違憲審查所適用的審查基準。本文認為,此一問題牽動到政治主體的成員,對於「我們/他們」的想像與抉擇,而聯邦最高法院在Saenz案引用權利或豁免權條款所保障的聯邦國民基本權,適用嚴格審查基準,限制州政府在社會福利政策上之主權行使,固然難脫過度保障低收入福利的嫌疑,但透過這樣的連結,也開發了遷徙自由作為聯邦國民基本權的地位在聯邦制度與民主政治的重要意義,並且設定了近年來聯邦最高法院限制州權的一個重要的底線。


This article examines the state government's authority in restricting newly-arrived residents' rights for low-income welfare benefits in the U.S. Supreme Court's 1999 Saenz v. Roe decision, and the standard of judicial review applied. The author argues that, by setting durational residency requirements, the State of California not only limits federal citizens' rights to travel, but also deprives newly-arrived citizens their full rights (?) and membership in the political community of both the United States and the State of California. Given the significance of the right to travel in federalism and democracy, the author further contends that the Supreme Court was correct in applying strict scrutiny in the review of Saenz v. Roe, and that this may establish a baseline in the power struggle between federal and state sovereignty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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