


After Hysteria-Debating Female Fetishism as a Coping Mechanism


黃宗慧(Tsung-huei Huang)


歇斯底里 ; 戀物癖 ; 小對物 ; 女性主義 ; 主體性 ; hysteria ; fetishism ; object a ; feminism ; subjectivity




35卷1期(2005 / 03 / 01)


51 - 95




有鑒於西方女性主義理論晚近的研究趨勢,頗有呼籲女性以戀物機制取代歇斯底里、以女性戀物癖或同女戀物癖來建構主體性的走向,本論文將分別就歇斯底里與戀物癖兩者在歐美學界引發的討論做一番探討。亦即,本論文一方面將思考,歇斯底里與女性的聯結是否應視為一種對女性的污名化?或其中也有一些關於女性心性發展的重要的觀察?另一方面,本論文將以麥肯藍(E. L. McCallum)、葛門與麥金寧(Lorraine Gamman and Merja Makinen)、葛洛思(Elizabeth Grosz)、品曲(Adela Pinch)等人對戀物癖的重讀與挪用為對話的對象,探討在呼籲女性以戀物癖來建構主體性時,有哪些問題──諸如戀物癖所涉及的否認現實與攻擊慾等──必須在理論上做更進一步的處理。針對歇斯底里與戀物癖各自的慾望結構做一番分析之後,本論文也試圖思考若兩者都不能被輕率地視為一種顛覆父權的策略,那麼女性欲建構其主體性,應當往什麼樣的方向發展。


This paper seeks to scrutinize the debates over whether hysteria and fetishism can serve as subversive tactics for female subjects to empower themselves. Since some feminists believe hysteria can be employed to deconstruct patriarchy while others assume fetishism as a coping mechanism that is much more powerful, it is necessary to probe into how they approach these two clinical structures from a gendered perspective. In this paper, having explored the Freudian and Lacanian theorization of hysteria, I will deal with the controversies about whether hysterical women successfully debunk the patriarchal discourse by refuting the analysts' interpretation of their symptoms. I will also address the question of whether the structure of hysteria can shed light on our understanding of female desire. On the other hand, this paper aims to inquire if fetishism offers promises to female subjects, as E. L. McCallum and Elizabeth Grosz suggest. Do fetishists know well how to disavow an unwelcome reality and thus have the potential to destabilize the patriarchal imposition of normative sexual division? Will female fetishism effectively subvert patriarchy without falling prey to aggressive transference? I will take up the topic of female fetishism by exploring the aforementioned questions. Having examined the mechanisms of hysteria and fetishism respectively, this paper hopes to help us reconsider if women, when seeking to subvert the patriarchal structure, cannot but choose between being hysterics and fetishists.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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