


The Jurisprudence of the EU Constitution




洪德欽(Der-Chin Horng)


歐盟憲法 ; 制憲大會 ; 歐盟基本權利憲章 ; 參與式民主 ; 歐洲憲法運動 ; EU Constitution ; The Convention on the Future of Europe ; The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Union ; participatory democracy ; European constitutional movement




37卷2期(2007 / 06 / 01)


255 - 321




歐盟憲法之簽署象徵歐洲整合另一新的里程碑。歐盟憲法對歐盟憲政主義、組織結構、決策模式、歐盟公民、基本權利與對外關係等層面,預期將帶來巨大深遠影響,攸關歐盟主體之建構,以及歐盟憲政之未來。本文針對歐盟憲法從事法理分析,研究範圍包括:歐盟憲法之進程與特徵、歐盟之制憲權與批准程序、歐盟憲法之性質與原理、歐盟憲法之理想與目標、基本權利之入憲、歐盟憲法之批評與發展等。這些核心議題皆涉及歐盟憲政之原理與基礎,足以反映歐盟憲法之精神與目標。本文乃歐洲聯盟法之理論研究,據以了解歐盟憲法此一「特殊」(sui generis)超國家憲法之性質、意義、特徵與影響。


The signature of the EU Constitution was a new step in the overall process of European integration. The EU Constitution is expected to have a far-reaching influence on the EU's organizational structure, decision-making model, EU citizenship, fundamental rights and external relations. This paper examines and illuminates the following subjects, among others: the background, agenda and composition of the Constitution; the major nature, objectives and features of the Constitution; the main-stream debates and critics of the Constitution; and reflections on EU Constitution. All these factors have a long-term impact on Member States and the future of European constitutionalism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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