


Europeanization - Impact and Adaptation of France




藍玉春(Yu-Chun Lan)


歐洲化 ; 法國 ; 歐元 ; 申根區 ; 軍售中國禁令 ; Europeanization ; France ; Euro Zone ; Schengen Area ; Arms Embargo on China




41卷2期(2011 / 06 / 01)


497 - 545






This paper summarizes first the implications of Europeanization as a newly formulated theory and a practice evident in processes of EU integration. The paper then analyses the impact of Europeanization on France by examing three core EU policies: the Euro, the arms embargo on China, and the Schengen Visa Area. With reference to the process of Europeanization, the outcomes associated with these three policies in France, EU pressure, mediating actors, institutional adaptation and domestic changes will be explored. The finding presented in the conclusion is that France is paradoxically a victim of the successful EU policy. In fact, the sequence of Francification, Europeanization, Germanization might better explain the impact of the Euro on France; External factors, such as the influence of the US and China are decisive factors in determining whether or not to lift the arms embargo on China; Terrorism and EU eastward enlargement frame the dilemma of France regarding Schengen policy.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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