


Article 3 of European Convention on Human Rights and Serious Systematic Discrimination-Inhuman or Degrading Treatments in Private Relations




翁燕菁(Vivianne Yen-Ching Weng)


非人道或侮辱處遇 ; 歐洲人權公約 ; 人性尊嚴 ; 間接水平效力 ; 禁止歧視 ; inhuman or degrading treatments or punishments ; European Convention on Human Rights ; horizontal effect ; prohibition of discrimination




45卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


691 - 765






Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is an absolute protection. Nevertheless, while assessing whether an alleged fact reaches "a minimum level of severity" to invoke Article 3, there must be a proportionality review. Through its dynamic interpretation, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) steadily extends the protection of Article 3 beyond the classical definition of torture, reaching the level of indirect horizontal effect through the development of positive obligations. Due to the absence of a clause condemning massive and systematic discriminations in the ECHR, the ECtHR has replied to observations from international and European institutions, and even credible NGOs, to apply Article 3 in cases involving serious human rights violations. The Court is concerned about State accountability in disputed enforced disappearance cases. With Article 3, it questions the failures of State protection system vis-à-vis particularly vulnerable individuals and therefore urges States to eliminate systematic discrimination both in private and public spheres. The failure of mechanisms protecting fundamental human dignity results in serious systematic discrimination. This might have been the core concern of the ECtHR's application of Article 3 in "ratione materiae" traditionally within the ambit of Article 8. However, concerning the question of which way would best illustrate the Court's determination to condemn such discrimination, Article 3 alone, or Article 14 read in conjunction with Article 3, it seems the Court still needs to clarify its approach.

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