


Lobbying Activities in the EU Decision-Making Process: Structure, Process and Influence




朱景鵬(Chin-Peng Chu)


歐盟決策 ; 遊說理論 ; 多層級治理 ; 透明化註冊 ; EU decision-making ; lobbying theory ; multi-level governance ; code of conduct ; transparency register




51卷2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


267 - 310




歐盟係一個具有民主傳統的組織,不僅具有獨立的法律人格,其獨特(sui generis)的法律秩序使得其民主性格不僅來自於會員國的傳統,民主決策的政治體系也有別於一般的國際組織。遊說即是一項在歐盟立法過程中,是否具備民主、透明與課責精神的指標。本文旨在以文獻及內容分析法探析歐盟三個主要決策體系執委會、歐洲議會,及部長理事會的多層級治理結構下,遊說活動的影響因素。研究議題包括:一、歐盟遊說法制健全化之進程、問題及遊說理論;二、歐盟多層級治理結構決策體系,及遊說行為在決策體系中的活動程序、形式與規範;三、進行遊說活動行為相關實務經驗統計之分析。研究發現歐盟的遊說活動超國家制度與國家利益兼容的雙重設計之影響甚大,部長理事會的決策模式與政府間合作型態,仍是遊說活動全面透明化的一道有形障礙。


The European Union is an organization with a democratic tradition, not only with an independent legal personality, but also with a sui generis legal order that makes its democratic character which derived from the traditions of the Member States on the one hand and with a political system of democratic decision-making that is different from the usual international organization on the other hand. Lobbying is an indicator of democracy, transparency and accountability in the EU legislative process. The aim of this paper is to use a literature and content analysis approach to explore the influencing factors of lobbying under the multi-level governance structure of the Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council of Ministers, the three main decision-making bodies in the EU. The research topics include: 1) The process, problems and theories of lobbying in the EU; 2) The decision-making system of the EU multi-level governance structure, and the procedures, forms and norms of lobbying activities in the decision-making system; 3) The analysis of practical experience related to lobbying activities. This study found that lobbying in the EU is heavily influenced by the dual design of a supranational system compatible with national interests, and that the decision-making model of the Council of Ministers and the intergovernmental cooperation model remain a tangible barrier to full transparency in lobbying.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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