


History of Hunting Law in Modern France: From Hunting Rights, Hunting Permission to Right of Non-Hunting




林峰寧(Feng-Ning Lin)


法國法律史 ; 狩獵權/狩獵地所有權 ; 從事狩獵活動權 ; 所有權 ; 禁獵權 ; French legal history ; hunting rights (droit de chasse) ; right to hunt (droit de chasser) ; property rights (droit de propriété) ; right of non-hunting (droit de non-chasse)




53卷3期(2023 / 09 / 01)


435 - 491






The Revolution abolished hunting privileges and re-established the relationship between hunting rights and land ownership as legislators tried to realize the value of hunting in terms of equality and freedom. Under capitalism, given the people's yearning to hunt and the need for crop protection, the popularity of hunting grew rapidly, however, with the introduction of financial and security considerations, the right to hunt became subject to authorization and other control measures. At the beginning of the 20th century, the establishment of the law of associations in 1901 multiplied the number of groups and organizations with a hand in hunting and wildlife protection, while the 1964 Verdeille Law stipulated that the exercise of hunting rights was separate from land ownership. As a result, it became difficult for landlords who opposed hunting to refuse access to those wishing to hunt on their property. Not until the European Court of Human Rights judgment in 1999 was a right to non-hunting officially recognized, influencing the amendment of domestic law. This paper argues that research on hunting rights ought to consider the significance of hunting equality in a democratic society from the perspective of the right to freedom and property rights.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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