


"Anger Fires Up the Heart": On Evil and Injustice in the Transition to Democracy




陳瑤華(Jau-Hwa Chen)


惡 ; 不正義 ; 民主轉型 ; 鄂蘭 ; 史珂拉 ; evil ; injustice ; transition to democracy ; Arendt ; Shklar




53卷4期(2023 / 12 / 01)


599 - 638






Based on an eclectic discourse on Arendt and Shklar, this paper explores political evils and injustices involved in the process of democratic transition, as well as the feelings of victims of injustice. Feelings of injustice arise from past violations of human rights, an inability to comprehend evil, and social ignorance, or disregard, of perceptions of injustice, all of which contributes to a culture of impunity. Trials and punishments of the guilty are necessary, but not sufficient, to address the problem of evil. This article argues that the key to doing so is found in facing the concept of injustice at different levels. It is necessary to distinguish between first order and second order injustices, and to review those factors responsible for inflicting injustice to establish preventive measures. This is an important step to fully realizing a democratic transformation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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