


A RFID Based Knowledge Management System Architecture for Healthcare Environment




郭景桓(Frank Kuo);傅仲蓉(Chun-Jung Fu);朱子斌(Tu-Bin Chu);邱文達(Wen-Ta Chiu);吳帆(Fan Wu);孫培然(Pei-Ran Sun);金明輝(Ming-Hui Jin)


RFID Radio Frequency Radio ; 知識管理 ; 系統整合 ; 跨平台系統 ; EPC Network ; RFID Radio Frequency Identification ; Knowledge management ; System integration ; Cross Platform System ; EPC Network




15卷3期(2006 / 09 / 01)


11 - 27




「知識管理」(Knowledge Management, KM)是一門新興且日益重要的企業經營議題,讓企業能從現有企業資源當中,創造出新的價值。醫療照護服務具高度專業性,且人力密集度極高。經營醫療機構所需的特殊管理經驗與知識,已經發展為十分成熟的知識領域與理論。隨著醫療院所導入的電子病歷系統,更可進一步建立資料倉儲系統,再配合資料探勘的技術,自動地探勘資料庫、尋找資料趨勢並形成假設,以增進知識的累積或用於尋找潛在的可能問題,進而應用於醫院管理的決策上或是醫學臨床研究用途,可以提升醫療資訊系統之功效,找尋出醫院內部更多的隱性知識與價值。 醫藥照護產業導入RFID科技,已是國際上共同的大趨勢。對國內醫院內部而言,醫療機構在總額預算、自主管理等計畫的壓力下,造成醫療收入的成長受到限制。因而醫院須更仰賴資訊科技,在現有的醫療資源下提升醫院的營運效率及效能。美國聯邦食品暨藥物管理局(Food and Drug Administration, FDA)要求在2007年時,需要在藥盒上(item level)貼附RFID標籤。透過從醫療產業上游的國際大型藥衛材廠商,在出廠時即貼附RFID標籤,並在資訊基礎建設與共通標準逐漸成熟完備後,將會是啟動下游醫療院所大量導入RFID系統的重要觸發點(trigger)。 本研究參考EPC Global所提出的EPC Network架構,提出醫療照護產業所適用的Electronic Patient code(EPC) Network系統架構。在前端RFID系統元件主要包含Tag Reader, Edge Server, Premises Server RFID Data Hub及ONS六部分。在系統架構面分為:RFID通訊層(Communication Level)、應用層(Operation Level)及知識管理層(Knowledge Base Level)等三大整合構面。本研究提出『整合RFID的跨平台醫療知識管理系統』,透過三大構面主導之醫療資訊系統架構,提出解決跨平台、異質性醫院資訊系統的資料交換需求。透過此系統前端整合之RFID系統,結合現有醫療資訊系統及電子病歷資料庫,與後端資料倉儲及資料探勘技術,提供醫療院所高階主管更快速的執行資料擷取、資訊管理、知識分析及回饋調整。以即時改善醫療品質、降低醫院營運成本、進行更佳的醫療資源配置,進而強化醫院競爭優勢,真正建立以『知識管理為核心』的醫療照護環境。


Knowledge Management is a emerging and important issue for corporation. Company can create added value for implement knowledge management system in existing resource. There's high specialty skill and highly concentrated labor power for healthcare industry. It becomes to build up a mature knowledge field and many mature theories about how to management hospitals and healthcare institutes. Many hospitals already implement hospital information nowadays. It can create more hiding value if we integrate more knowledge management system about data mining and data warehouse in existing system. It's a huge trend to implement RFID system for healthcare industry. In the pressure for the global budge, it has limited for the income of hospitals. So it's important for hospital to implement information technology to promote the efficiency and effectiveness. In the macro-environment, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates all famous pharmacy must deploy RFID system at item level before 2007. It’s an important trigger to downstream hospitals deploy RFID system when the upstream pharmacy implements RFID on their product. And the hospitals can save the cost, decrease the opportunity about medical error, and promote healthcare quality to deploy RFID system. The research reference the system architecture about ”EPC Network”. And we design” a cross platform RFID systems integrated with medical knowledge management”. The front-side of RFID system including six components about: Tag, Reader, Edge Server, Premises Server, RFID Data Hub and ONS system. The framework of RFID knowledge management systems are: “Communication Level”, ”Operation Level” and ”Knowledge Management Level”. The platform system that we propose can solve the common problems about integration and across heterogeneity system. By the integrating of three frameworks with ”Hospital Information Systems (HIS)”, we implement data warehouse and data mining to find out more tacit knowledge and value in healthcare environment. The platform can support the manager quickly comprehensive analysis to handle the index in the hospitals. And it can promote the competition for hospital to improve the medical quality, decrease the cost of operation, and optimum resource dispose for hospitals. The final goal of the system platform is to build up ”The center for knowledge management” of healthcare environment.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫院管理與醫事行政