


Strawson's Philosophical Image




應奇(Qi Ying)


形而上學 ; 先驗論證 ; 概念圖式 ; metphysics ; transcendental argument ; conceptual scheme




22期(1999 / 06 / 01)


139 - 170




P. F. Strawson是繼G. Ryle和J. Austin之後日常語言哲學(牛津學派)最著名的代表人物,被譽爲「在世最卓越的分析的心靈」。本文在縷析其代表著作的基礎上,對其三期哲學思想之發展進行了全面的論析。首先,在本世紀50年代以來邏輯實證主義衰落、本體論復興的背景下,刻劃了Strawson在《個體》一書中建構的描述的形而上學的哲學架構;其次,通過對Strawson的Kant研究的解讀,著重評析Strawson試圖重構transcendental argument以回答經驗客觀性問題的致思趨向;第三,探討了Strawson在溝通本體論、邏輯學和認識論的基礎上提供的總體哲學圖景,認爲其在概念分析的範式下構造的系統哲學堪稱當代分析哲學的最高成就。文章的最後部分結合相關文獻,討論了Strawson哲學引發的方方面面的爭議,並就分析傳統與Kant批判哲學的關係作了初步的評論。至於在後分析哲學語境中對Strawson哲學之潛質和效應的全面闡發,筆者留待另文專論。


P. F. Strawson, as one of the most influencial author in ordinary language philosophy (Oxford school) after G. Ryle and J. Austin, is praised to be 'the most remarkable living analytic mind'. The purpose of this paper is, on the basis of s study of his main works, to give a comprehensive analytic comment on the development of his three stages philosophy: First, this paper expounds Strawson's philosophy framework as descriptive metaphysics in his 'Individuals', the background of which is the decline of logic positivism and the survival of ontology since 1950's. Second, this author, by reading Strawson'n study of Kant, expounds Strawson's attempt to reconstruct transcendental argument for the sake of answering the problem of empirical objectivity. Third, the paper maintains that Strawson formulated a whole picture of philosophy on the basis of combining ontology, epistemology and logic, and also maintains that Strawson's systematic philosophy made by conceptual analysis pattern is the greatest achievement of contemporary analytic philosophy. The last part of this paper, according to relevent literature, represents the disputation in various respects initiated by Strawson's philosophy, and gives a preliminary review on the relation between analytical tradition and Kantian. As to the task of a comprehensive expounding of the potential and effectness of Strawson's philosophy in a language context of post-analytic philosophy, this author would rather deal with it in another paper.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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