


The Development of Huang-lao-chih-hsueh in the Kindom of Ch'u during the Warring Period-A Study of Ho-kuan-chi




黃漢光(Hon-Kong Wong)


道家 ; 黃老之學 ; 稷下學派 ; 元氣 ; 無爲 ; Taoism ; Huang-lao-chih-hsueh ; Chi-hsia-hsueh-p'ai ; Yuan-ch'i ; Wu-wei




28期(2002 / 06 / 01)


37 - 78






The modern version of Ho-kuan-chi has been treated an a false book since the T'ang period although it is mentioned by Yi-wen-chi of Han-su. Therefore, it has been ignored as well as been questioned as one of the literatures representing the Huang-lao-chih-hsueh. However, scholars in mainland China has had a different opinion on the above-mentioned issue since Huang-lao-pa-su has been knows to the academia. Some think that except those dealing with the military thought of the Ch'in period the rest of contents in Hokuan-chi should represent the thought of Huang-lao-chih-hsueh. Therefore, following the aforementioned research findings, this paper aims at exploring the sebsequent issues:1. Describing the development of Huang-lao-chih-hsueh in the Warring Period.2. Exploring the thoughts in Ho-kuan-chi and the relationship between it and Huang-lao-chih-hsueh.3. Explaining the contribution of idea in Ho-kuan-chi in the philosophy in general.4. Studying the impact of philosophy in Ho-kuan-chi on the statecraft of Huang-lao school in the Han period.By exploring the above-mentioned issues, we would get a further recognize to Ho-kuan-chi, and would obtain a better comprehension on Huang-lao-chih-hsueh, which has profound influence on the Warring and two Han periods.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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