Laotze's thoughts is the main basis us well as the formation of Taoism. We may say that seize Laotze, seize Taoism Furthermore, we can differentiate Confucianism and Taoism correctly. Mr. Man Tsung-san has the most special position and whose thoughts are worth discussing in contemporary Laotze Studies. Mr. Mon paints ant that Chinese philosophy gives priority to practice and after that, he describes its spirits by the state. By this clue, Mr. Mou ascertains that both Confucianism and Taoism are practical wisdom as well as state mode metaphysics we eon differentiate between Confucianism and Taoism as follows:Firstly, Confucianism gives priority to morality; Taoism exists in pursuit of freedom.Secondly, Confucianism create itself positively through morality; Taoism achieves itself passively by the way of conceal.Thirdly, Confucianism forms a mode of ”verticality, vertical discussion”; Taoism forms a mode of ”verticality, transverse discussion”.In addition, I'll discuss Professor Yuan. Pao-hsin's opinions about Mr. Mou's interpretation of Laotze. Briefly speaking, actually, Mr. Moa has already aware of the danger of subjectivism and try to avoid Certainly, moral character in the ”space” to appear, however, it should be the concrete expression of The Fundamental Truth At the mean lime, The Fundamental Truth has meaning of model by meaning of value.