


Experimental Theatre towards Autonomy of Art in the First Half of the Twentieth Century




周靜家(Jing-Chou Christine)


藝術與自然的關係 ; 藝術自治 ; 風格 ; 市民劇場傳統 ; 嚴格規律 ; 對抗半調子 ; relationship of art and nature ; autonomy of art ; style ; Bourgeois tradition of theatre ; rigorous regulative ; against dilettantism




32期(2004 / 06 / 01)


173 - 224






Since the effect of Naturalism the Western Theatre in the 20th Century has experienced radical changes. Footlights symbolize the aesthetic boundary between stage and audience in the Bourgeois Theatre Tradition. The avant-gardists, with their experiments of eliminating the footlights, actually offered opportunities for dilettantes' easy invasion into the domain of an. Or, by means of an the avant-gardists intended to reach the aim of reforming the society. On the whole it destroyed the autonomy of art, which achieved after hundreds of years efforts. This essay subjects on professional theatre in the first half of the 20th Century, which presented the continuity of Bourgeois Tradition of aesthetic as well as artistic vision. It mainly structurizes from inherent order. The participation of audience with imagination in this way can be true essence of theatre, thus, not only the influences from outside can be kept out, but also the efforts for a structure of rigorous regulative intend to reject dilettantes.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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