


A Study on Cheng-Zhu's Theory of "to See the Heart of the World Again"




林世榮(Shi-Rong Lin)


伊川 ; 朱子 ; 王弼 ; 復其見天地之心乎 ; 反本 ; 無 ; Yi Chuan ; Zi Zhu ; Bi Wang ; to see the heart of the world again ; back to the origin ; Non-being




37期(2006 / 12 / 01)


107 - 143






Yi Chuan appreciated Bi Wang's Interpretation of Zhou Yi and believed in it, because of his clearing the Yi's overflowing wordings about image-number of Han Dynasty. But Yi Chuan was not habitually to follow the conventions and traditions and was not satisfied with Interpretation of Zhou Yi completely too. He thought that even Bi Wang could not interpret image-number of Yi of Han Dynasty but classified it to logic and principles that meant that he couldn't read Yi, with Taoist-Chuang's theory to annotate Yi that had already deviated from the Confucius' idea to admire Yi. His whole life strenuous effort gathered in Yi Chuan, aiming at Bi Wang's Interpretation of Zhou Yi, in addition to clean up his idea. Bi Wang with Taoist-Chuang's metaphysics to interpret Yi, but Yi Chuan classifying it with Confucius-Mencius's theory of nature. Especially between the difference of Confucianist and Taoist, Yi Chuan still stick to the stance of Confucius-Mencius. Zi Zhu's Zhou Yi Ben Yi wrote after Yi Chuan's Yi Chuan and had the same stance with Yi Chuan. With regard to the difference of Confucianist and Taoist He usually approved.This text namely with the phrase ”to see the heart of the world again” of Fu Symbol of Tuan Chuan to the first place, thus contrasted the difference and similarity among Yi Chuan, Zi Zhu and Bi Wang, and then I adopted many kinds of Confucianists' relative wordings of all the past dynasties. Yi Chuan thought that preconfucianists' interpretations not so good and even couldn't know the idea of ”to see the heart of the world again”. Particularly Bi Wang with Taoist to interpret Yi, with Taoist ”Non-being” to annotate Yi, even with ”back to the origin” to interpret Fu Symbol with back to the origin as heart, in the hermeneutic phrase t that was workable; but in direction it was the school of Taoist, actually already deviated, couldn't got the idea of birth eternity of Great Yi and couldn't correspond with the Confucianism. Yi Chuan made an effort to proved his wrong and Zi Zhu incited again.However we couldn't say that they had the same idea because of Cheng-Zhu we had put it side by side. Though Zi Zhu appreciated the idea of Yi Chuan very much, only the shortage was he didn't talk about image-number, so Ben Yi on regarding divination as principle to hope to repair its fault. Thus we knew in the aspect of learning's dividing and combining, in the similarity we could find the difference, in the difference we could find the similarity, and then we must be careful to contrast it that the difference and the similarity could show entirely.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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