


Wang Chuan-Shan's Theory of "How the Manifoldness of Phenomena Did Be Created through the Ultimate 'One' " According to the Meanings of T'ien (Heaven)、Ming (Heaven's Order)、Hsing (Nature) and Their Relations




陳祺助(Chei-Ju Chen)


天 ; 命 ; 性 ; 體用 ; 氣 ; 一本萬殊 ; T'ien Heaven ; Ming Heaven's Order ; Hsing Nature ; T'i-Yung substance-functions ; Chi、Oneness and Manifoldness ; Creation




39期(2007 / 12 / 01)


63 - 109






Under the presupposition of ontological monism that T'ien-Tao was absolute Good, in order to explain the problems of ”How the Manifoldness of Phenomena Did Be Created through the Ultimate 'One” 'and 'why the natural character of human were good but of all things beside human were not good', the Confucian scholars in Sung dynasty asserted that they were owing to the vary functions (Yung) of Chi. The master scholars declared that Chi is a concept belonging to phenomena, while T'ien-Tao was the creating substance that creates all things and governs all the movements and changes of Chi. Wang Chuan-Shan asserted the universal substance was 'Chi', Chi was absolute Good, and he also opposed the point of dichotomy between T'ien-Tao and Chi. 'The Doctrine of the Mean”. said 'What Have (T'ien) imparts to man is called human nature.' Wang made this Words a creativity interpretation. he declared that there were not only two gradate Beings of T'ien-Ming (Heaven' Order)、Hsing (Nature) between Heaven and People, but had three gradate Beings of T'ien (Heaven)、Ming or T'ien-Ming (Heaven' Order)、Hsing (Nature). Trying to explain it, we were forced to use the language to indicate the universal substance. When Wang interperted that the Shin (reality) of the universal substance was Chi, Chi was equal to the substance itself. If T'ien (Heaven) as Ming (name, concept) that used to indicate the substance itself, thus T'ien was equal to the Shin (reality) of Chi. Hsing (Nature) was individuality of Chi. Ming (Heaven's Order) was an special entity of Chi that be continuously arising vary functions. So, Ming was arising upon T'ien, then Hsing of human and all things was arising upon Ming. Although it was absolutely same between the Shin (reality) of T'ien、Ming and Hsing, but it had the ontological distinction among them: which once was after another? which one was comprised by another ? Owing to the deification of T'ien、Ming could not speculate, It resulted the manifoldness of phenomena and the natural character of human were good but of all things beside human were not good. Viewed from T'ien-Ming it is diversified, so that Hsings of human and of all thing were mutual different, from T'ien. Chi is 'The One”

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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