


Remoulding Confucius from a 'Guru' into a 'King without the Crown' is Dong Zhongshu's Ultimate Desire




馮樹勳(Shu-Fun Fung)


董仲舒 ; 春秋繁露 ; 天人三策 ; 師 ; 素王 ; Dong Zhongshu ; Chunqiu Fanlu ; Tian Ren San Ce ; Teacher of Mankind ; A King without o Crown




44期(2010 / 06 / 01)


1 - 43






Education has always been a core value of Confucianism. Although the pre-Qin master-scholars including Confucius, Mencius and Xunzi took ideological paths that were not entirely similar to one another, they had all placed huge importance on the ways of teaching. Nevertheless, Dong Zhongshu, who was looked upon as the 'grand master of Confucianism' of the Hun Dynasty, rarely mentioned 'the ways of teaching' in his masterpiece ”Chunqiu Fanlu”. In his ”TianRenSanCe”, however, Doug had positioned Confucius as 'the king without a crown'.When Dong Zhongshu talked about the ways of benevolence and righteousness, Doug's ideology was closer to that of Xunzi than to that of Mencius. On the subject of 'human nature', however, Doug held the view that human beings might not have a 'common nature', a point that made him different from Xunzi. Originally, Confucius had already succeeded to shift the meaning of 'junzi' (a gentleman). From just meaning people of high social or political ranks, the term was also attached with moral and ethical values. In Doug's hands, it seems that the term 'teacher' had fallen from its previous moral high ground, a 'teachers' was no more than a 'court official' working under the 'emperor'.In order to balance the power from the emperor, Doug intentionally elevated the status of both Confucius and the book ”Spring and Autumn”. The idea of calling Confucius as 'a king without the crown' was born. It was Dung's attempt to prolong the countering effects of Confucianism on the absolute power of the emperor both theoretically and symbolically.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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