This Paper originally is read at the 31th ”International Conference of the Chinese Studies” in Korea. It, for dedicating the anniversary of Chinese republican revolution, held by the Korean Society of Chinese Studies a Conference with a topic in ”tradition and renovation in China in 2011. Since one hundred years, the most original contribution for the Chinese philosophical mind is without doubt that was done by Mou Tsungsan. Mou based himself at first upon the three teachings of the Chinese tradition, i.e. Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, then took Kant's systematic to bridge the philosophy in the East and the West, and ended at last with putting forward an ultimate theory called the ”perfect teaching” and even a prototypical ”two-storey ontology.” In this paper I will show at first the speculative approach by what Kant used to establish his philosophical prototype and Summum bonum with the two-storey legislation of human reason. Secondary I will to reveal a ”two-storey ontology” and a ”perfect teaching” which Mou with insight completed through his study on the practical intelligibility of the Chinese three teachings. In comparing these two philosophical approaches we can conclude to assess the merits of Mou's contribution in bridging the Chinese philosophy with Kant's insight and even these two philosophical traditions. Go forward from here we now can justify their respective significance and value, and even conclude to point out the actual contribution of Mou Tsungsan in comtemporary Chinese so far as to the philosophy as such.