


An Analysis of Fang Yizhi's View on Knowledge and Non-knowledge


鄧克銘(Keh-Ming Deng)


方以智 ; 莊子 ; 知 ; 無知 ; 《藥地炮莊》 ; Fang Yizhi ; Zhuangzi ; knowledge ; non-knowledge




52期(2014 / 06 / 01)


115 - 150






Zhuangzi believes that knowledge causes various kinds of damage in the human life. He advocates the abolition of people's different thinking processes and promotes the concept of "non-knowledge" to appreciate the meaning of Dao. Unlike Zhuangzi who treats knowledge and non-knowledge as independent variables, Fang Yizhi believes that the two have a homogeneous relationship. He proposes the concepts of "knowledge followed by non-knowledge" and "knowledge that is non-knowledge." Fang Yizhi adopts Seng Zhao and Wang Yangming's opinion and affirms the consistency of knowledge and non-knowledge. Knowledge uses non-knowledge as the base to transcend and, at the same time, it is a solid expression of non-knowledge. Thus he affirms that all kinds of information and learning are valuable and indispensable. Fang Yizhi also points out the essence of mind. He emphasizes that the mind dominates the process of understanding "Dao", which is also a different point of view than Zhuangzi's. Fang Yizhi's critical interpretation of Zhuangzi's concept of knowledge and non-knowledge is closely related to his emphasis on both learning methods: "real object observation" and "overall theoretical thinking." Fang Yizhi's criticism of Zhuangzi's knowledge also reflects his understanding and interpretation of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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