


The Manifesto of ‘Chinese Culture and the World’ and World Philosophy


趙敬邦(King-Pong Chiu)


〈中國文化與世界〉 ; 全球化 ; 世界哲學 ; 「中國和世界在一起」 ; ‘Chinese Culture and the World’ ; Globalization ; World Philosophy ; ‘China with the World’




55期(2015 / 12 / 01)


169 - 186




由唐君毅、牟宗三、徐復觀和張君勵四位先生於1958 年聯署發表的〈中國文化與世界〉宣言,面世近六十年。在這些年間,世界局勢已有顯著變化,最明顯的,是各國由冷戰時期的對峙,轉為日益頻繁的合作,甚至發展出所謂的全球化。在新的局勢下,〈宣言〉若要有參考價值,我們乃有必要對其作一嶄新的闡釋。本文指出,〈宣言〉除了有着明顯的捍衛中國文化之立場外,更重視中國文化與世界其他文化的溝通,甚至有讓各種文化整合起來,以成就一「世界哲學」的意思。〈宣言〉這一「世界哲學」的面相,尤值得有意進一步發揮新儒學的學者所重視。


The Manifesto of ‘Chinese Culture and the World’, a declaration jointly signed by Tang Junyi, Mou Zongsan, Xu Fuguan and Carsun Chang, has been released for nearly sixty years. In these years, there are a lot of changes in world politics, globalization being one of them. If the Manifesto is to be discussed nowadays, a new perspective is certainly needed. This essay argues that, except for the position defending the value of Chinese culture, the Manifesto requests communication amongst different cultures. Even more, it pursues the development of a kind of ‘world philosophy’, an aspect worth further consideration in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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