


Wang Yangming’s Philosophy of "Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism All Come from the Same Origin"


李瑋皓(Lee, Wei-hao)


王陽明 ; 儒家 ; 佛老 ; 致良知 ; 三教同源 ; Wang yangming(王陽明) ; Confucianism(儒家) ; Daoism and Buddhism(佛老) ; Fulfillment Innate Knowledge of Goodness(致良知) ; Same Sources(同源)




58期(2017 / 06 / 01)


101 - 140




明代心學家王陽明 (1472-1528) 在其生命歷程中,曾修習佛老,對於佛老二氏皆有所認識,後歸正於儒學,其提出「心即理」、「致良知」之教,後來闡發「三教同源說」之濫觴,而被後世學者批評為「陽儒陰釋」。筆者以為,一位真儒者,是要為這人文化成之世界負起責任,貞定吾人之生命意義,以發揚儒學義理之真諦。筆者以為當代新儒學要正視自己作為一個大教的歷史地位。是以本文之開展,將由「陽明生命歷程中與道教、佛教之關係」開始論述;接著說明「陽明如何以其良知學融攝佛道二氏之義理」;最後闡述陽明「三教同源論」之意義價值。陽明對於「良知」之信心,能使一切義理相遇,統攝萬物為一體。而這亦是身處於這奢靡世界受異化之人們,須時刻銘記於心的。


Wang Yangming, a prominent Neo-Confucian in the Ming Dynasty, had studied the Buddhism and Taoism too. After he came back to the Confucian camp and promulgated the teachings of "the heart is the principle," "doing good conscience," he raised also the view of "three teachings come from same origin". With this view he would be criticized as "to be a Confucian outsidely, but a Buddhist intrincically" by the late scholars. But the author holds that being a true Confucian must to take the responsibility for the world of culture, to establish the meaning of life and to carry forward the truth and wisdom of Confucian teachings, and as well as, holds that the modern Neo-Confucian must seriously recognize their historical place and take their responsibility for their great teachings. In this paper the author will discuss the relation between Wang Yangming and the Daoism and Buddhism firstly, and then to expose "how Wang fuse the teachings of Daoism and Buddhism through his theory of good conscience (liangzhi xue)", and, lastly, to explain the meaning and value of the discourse "three teachings come from same origin." As conclusion, the author will hold that Wang Yangming can bring all teachings in confrontation with each other, can unify all things in one, because he has so firm a confidence for his teaching of "good conscience." And with this I will to suggest, all must bear firmly in mind, at once man be situated in an extravagant, enstrangeous world.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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