Different from current academic view on Wang Yangming's research, instead of taking him as an successor of Lu Jiuyuan which rejects Zhu Xi's doctrine, Tang Chun-i claims that Wang's view is an extension of Zhu Xi's doctrine, even though it turns out similar to Lu Jiuyuan's doctrine. Tang's main points are the following: First, he combines Zhu Xi's "extension of knowledge" and "sincerity" into "unity of knowing and acting". Second, he combines two-step efforts of "the aroused" and "the unaroused" into "attaining good conscience". Third, he combines " faculty of representation" (Zhijue) and " heavenly principle", which are character of "mind", into the content of "good conscience" (Liangzhi). Therefore, we may say Tang's study on Wang Yangming shows his unique method and it provides the academic circle a different view from the previous ones.