


On the Philosophical wisdom of Life and Death of Lao-zi Philosophy


陳德和(Chen, Te-ho)


老子 ; 生死 ; 解構 ; 虛靜 ; 無為 ; 圓融 ; Lao-zi ; Life and death ; Deconstruction ; Void and tranquil ; Wu-wei ; Completeness and synthesis




61期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 44






According to the practical wisdom Lao-zi, my thesis discuss the wisdom of life and death of Lao-zi philosophy. Although the death is fact which called life must face death, Lao-zi still claims that life is eternal and immortal, therefore Lao-zi affirms that life is to the Tao besides death. Because of sacredness of the Tao, Lao-zi's widom of wu(無) of the Tao teaches us deconstruction and cease of life practice, which to hold-nothing to life and keep void and tranquil when to death about thanatology. Lao-zi tell us that To know how to stop and contentment are the way to the xiao-yao (逍遙), and death is transcendental to the ideal life. The Inner chapters of Zhuang-zi is the same as philosophical widom of Lao-zi, which Zhuang-zi confirms of the harmony of the life and death. Lao-zi and Zhuang-zi disclaim Samsara, the immortality of the soul, cut off the life and death and the redemption of God. The philosophy of Lao-zi and Zhuang-zi comprehend human could from finite to infinite, and realize that holy and immortal of life in the life world. Although the philosophy of Lao-zi and Zhuang-zi are not religion, Lao-zi and Zhuang-zi connote consciousness of religion and piety, which deserve to treasure.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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