


Chinese Doctrine of Means (Zhong Dao) and Confucian Line of Orthodoxy of Dao - An Investigation of the Deep Meaning of Dao inTang Junyi's "The Doctrine of Mean"(Zhong-Yung chi Dao)


王興國(Wang, Xing-guo)


密意 ; 中道的形上學 ; 儒家 ; 人類精神 ; 世界道統 ; deep meaning of Dao ; the metaphysics of the doctrine of mean ; Confucianism ; human spirit ; Dao of the human world




64期(2020 / 06 / 01)


67 - 133






This article is a sequel to "Golden mean is the ethics of Chinese culture- Tang Junyi's 'secret meaning' of 'the golden mean' thought Part One", trying to answer his view that "the doctrine of mean is the Way of Chinese culture" and the question of the relationship between the philosophy of "One Heart Opening Nine Realms". I think the answer to this question is already hidden between Tang Junyi's "radical idealism" of metaphysics and his study of the history of Chinese philosophy, that is, the ninth realm of Confucianism is the true "deep meaning of Dao" of his thought. According to his critical division and organization of all philosophies into a holistic system and his argument in his book of Existence of Lives and Realms of Mind that Confucianism is the most Central and Fair Realm of all, this is a metaphysics of Dao and hence, Confucianism is not only the line of succession of Dao in Chinese culture, but also the Dao of humanity of all people. This is the deep meaning of Dao that Tang does not mention or mentioned without speaking it aloud. This paper also believes that though "the Dao of the Doctrine of Mean" could not be the only Dao of all peoples, it could seek and participate in the construction of the Dao of the World of all people, in a panoramic way of communication in the dialogue of world civilizations so as to contribute positively to the progress of human civilization.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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