


Liang-chi and Social Ethics: An Investigation of Jiangyou Yangmingists and New Confucians' Discourses of the Function of Liang-chi


余一泓(Yu, Yi-hong)


江右王學和新儒學 ; 章太炎與近代思想 ; 良知與世教 ; 良知之發用 ; Conservative Yangmingism and New Confucianism ; Zhang Taiyan and Modern Chinese Thought ; liang-chi and Social Ethics ; Functions of liang-chi




65期(2020 / 12 / 01)


127 - 165






Given human praxis of liang-chi will be inevitably conditioned by social ethics of the community, this essay investigated Jiangyou Yangmingists and modern Confucians' reflections on the functions of liang-chi. The first section examines the way that conservative Yangmingists, represented by Wang Shihuai and Wan Tingyan, developed Yangming's teaching of liang-chi. Second section gives an analysis of Zhang Taiyan's pessimistic interpretation of this teaching. Drawing on Buddhist doctrine of selflessness, Zhang tried to negate the positive role of the mind in our social practices. With a critical reflection on Zhang's pessimism, in his monistic theory of Reality, New Confucian Xiong Shili affirmed the positive function of liang-chi in social practices. As Xiong's discourses of liang-chi show his over-optimistic orientation of his philosophy, the last section discusses his disciple Mou Zongsan's reception and modification of conservative Yangmingism and Xiong's thought. Through introducing "democracy and science" as new normative factors limiting the function of liang-chi, Mou implicitly rectified Xiong's overoptimistic problem. By exploring historical facts of modern Confucian philosophy in modern China, this paper showed how thinkers explained human's moral awareness manifesting in different conditions.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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