This study focuses on special phenomenon of development of Zhu Xi School (朱子學) and Yangming School (陽明學) in Tokugawa period of Japan. First, from external system, it analyzes the development limitation of Zhu Xi School. Secondly, from the perspective of theories and thoughts, it explores Ansai Zhu Xi School (闇齋朱子學派) which significantly criticized Yangming School during Tokugawa time and argued that the critiques mostly did not pinpoint the weakness of Yangming School. Among various schools in Japan, Ansai School resisted Yangming School the most. Yamazaki Ansai (山崎闇齋) criticized Yangming School by Collection of Discussion of Different Schools (《大家商量集》). Besides, his disciple Nobusada Toyoda edited Collection of Discussion on Yangming School (《王學辯集》) and collected the publication of Korean Zhu Xi scholar Yi Toegye (李退溪) and Ansai scholars who criticized Yangming School and even the work of Japanese Zhu Xi scholar Hayashi Gahō (林鵝峰) who criticized Yangming School. This study attempts to mainly explore criticism of Ansai School on Yangming School and observe their gap in the theories. Besides, in special political and cultural system of Tokugawa time, Yangming School successively grew in the Japanese culture and became popular doctrine in the late Tokugawa period.