


Civil Community in Cyberspace and the Rule of Law




徐振雄(Chen-Hsiung Hsu)


網際空間 ; 網路公民社群 ; 法治社會 ; 法治教育 ; cyberspace ; civil community in cyberspace ; rule of law ; civil education




16期(2004 / 06 / 01)


123 - 137




人類歷史進入第三波時代,資訊革命所帶來的影響已經在各領域中發酵。電腦與網際網路構築的網際空間,使我們深陷在「兩種文化」與「兩個世界」的迷思當中,而網路社群的出現,不但改變了人類互動的模式,也使國家疆域/權力在想像中浮動。一是網際空間的匿名性、身份轉換性、流動性,比真實世界更具平等性、自由性和無規範性,電腦媒介溝通使網民集結,形成各種不同的網路社群;二是網路權力的崛起,使網路社群可以利用科技手段抗議或擺脫國家政策或法律的不當干涉。然而,網際空間到底是拉近代議制與直接民主的差距,抑或造成群體極化,破壞法治;是更穩定社會共識,抑或分裂社會? 本文認為所有的網路社群並非對民主法治的正向發展是有效的。網路公民社群的民意聚集與解放自由,仍須受制於合理的公民權主張與民主法治的價值核心,而國家對網路資訊內容的篩濾與管制,也必須同樣受制於此一條件,其方法在公民社會的認知與法治教育的實踐,藉以謀求網民/公民於網際空間與真實世界中,充分理解科技/人文、權力/法治與民主/自由的交互作用及其核心價值的一致性環境。


This paper aims to discuss the civil community and civil education in cyberspace and the relations with the rule of law. The net world has trapped people into the myth of ‘two cultures’ and ‘two worlds.’ The rise of civil community in cyberspace changes the pattern of human interactions and blurs the borderline among nations. The following phenomena are revealed. First, people who have internet access gather and form various civil communities in cyberspace. Anonymity, identification, or users’ mobility in the cyberspace are freer and less constrained than those in the real world. Secondly, the emergence of cyber power makes the network communities get rid of interference of government or law. Does cyberspace shorten the gap between representative system and direct democracy? Does it raise public consciousness or split the society up? It is believed that not all network communities are helpful for the development of democracy. The words and opinions passed between people in cyberspace should be restrained by reasonable civil rights. The government should be restricted in the same way as well when filtering and screening the contents of websites. Education, especially the practice of civil education, is in demand. In other words, we need to encourage the human-oriented thoughts and develop citizen caliber and consciousness. In the end, the practice of civil education is to reach a consistent accord between cyberspace and the real world about technology and humanities, power and rule of law, as well as democracy and freedom.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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