This paper aims to discuss the civil community and civil education in cyberspace and the relations with the rule of law. The net world has trapped people into the myth of ‘two cultures’ and ‘two worlds.’ The rise of civil community in cyberspace changes the pattern of human interactions and blurs the borderline among nations. The following phenomena are revealed. First, people who have internet access gather and form various civil communities in cyberspace. Anonymity, identification, or users’ mobility in the cyberspace are freer and less constrained than those in the real world. Secondly, the emergence of cyber power makes the network communities get rid of interference of government or law. Does cyberspace shorten the gap between representative system and direct democracy? Does it raise public consciousness or split the society up? It is believed that not all network communities are helpful for the development of democracy.
The words and opinions passed between people in cyberspace should be restrained by reasonable civil rights. The government should be restricted in the same way as well when filtering and screening the contents of websites. Education, especially the practice of civil education, is in demand. In other words, we need to encourage the human-oriented thoughts and develop citizen caliber and consciousness. In the end, the practice of civil education is to reach a consistent accord between cyberspace and the real world about technology and humanities, power and rule of law, as well as democracy and freedom.
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