


Enjoy Fun at Work: An Explorative Study of Organizational Playfulness




余嬪(Ping Yu)


玩興 ; 玩性 ; 創造力 ; 組織玩興 ; 組織氣氛 ; 工作表現 ; 工作滿意 ; Playfulness ; Organizational Playfulness ; Creativity ; Work Performance ; Job Satisfaction




16期(2004 / 06 / 01)


19 - 37




面對強大的競爭,組織中莫不期待創新有活力的人才,而愉快有樂趣的工作是留住人才的重要因素。玩興(Playfulness)不只帶來樂趣,也有助於打破成規、放鬆身心與創造表現。工作中的玩興價值近年來漸漸受到重視,而玩興的自發性強,又極易受情境因素影響,國內對於成人工作中的玩興研究非常少,更少提及組織氣氛對工作玩興的影響。 本研究以一管理顧問及網路學習公司之個案為例,來探討工作與玩興的關係,個人在組織中的玩興表現,與哪些因素影響組織中的玩興氣氛。研究主要發現 l ) 組織中的玩興必然存在,當工作玩興高時,個人會有強烈自發性的深度投入與專注力,同時感到自我滿足與樂在其中,覺得放鬆享受、壓力解除與心境改變。而表現出的自由、天真、幽默、與創造靈感,常會有意想不到的好的表現,但也可能帶來干擾。 2)影響組織玩興氣氛有關的因素包括:工作場所可以包容玩興與幽默;組織扁平管理、自由開放與領導者幽默支持、鼓勵創意;同事間溝通良好、輕鬆互動;空間環境舒適自在、有助溝通;員工會利用玩/休閒活動來產生靈感、減輕工作壓力、與產生高度凝聚力。研究者並提出討論與建議供實務與研究參考。


Much research indicates that playfulness helps children learn and create new ideas. Although the values of adults play at work have obtained increasing attention in recent years, very few researches have been done in this regard. The main purposes of the researcher is to investigate the influences of playfulness to one’s work and to examine factors affecting playfulness in an organization. This qualitative research interviews five people in a managerial consulting company. There are two major findings: I) People do play at work. While they play, they experience high spontaneity, concentration, relaxation, and happiness. All these combined contribute to creativity, team feelings, and better work performances. However, management by objectives and appropriate supervision of the company and good self-discipline prevent negative influences from appearing at work. 2) Factors affecting organizational playfulness climate include the acceptance of play and humor at workplace; open-mindedness, humor, creativity encouraging, and supportive leadership; flat organization and good communication and active interaction among colleagues; and comfortable physical environment and space arrangement good for communication; In addition, colleagues enjoy having fun together after work is also important. Discussions and suggestions are generated.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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